AI Tools

Collection of AI resources

Hi there! Welcome to my website, where I hope to share some of the AI resources that I have found useful in my teaching and learning journey. As a faculty member at 'Iolani School, I am always looking for ways to inspire my students and help them develop the skills they need to thrive in the world of AI. AI is such a fascinating and dynamic field, and there is so much to learn and discover. On this website, you will find a variety of AI resources, such as books, tutorials, tools, and more, that cover different aspects and levels of AI. Whether you are a teacher who wants to integrate AI into your classroom, a student who wants to pursue AI as a hobby or a career, or just someone who wants to learn more about this amazing field, I hope you will find something here that sparks your interest and curiosity. This website is not meant to be an authoritative source of information on AI, but rather a personal collection of resources that I have found helpful and enjoyable. I am always open to feedback and suggestions, so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for visiting and happy learning!

AI text to image generation Educator Resources

AI-Powered Planning Features

The AI-powered planning tool generates personalized recommendations for students based on their interests, academic achievements, and career aspirations. Key features include:

• Customized college and major suggestions aligned with individual goals

• Guidance on selecting high school classes, extracurricular activities, and summer programs

• Side-by-side comparison of different colleges and programs

• Detailed information on institutions, including programs, campus life, and notable alumni

By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the platform provides data-driven insights to help students make informed decisions about their educational and career paths. This AI-driven approach aims to amplify the impact of human counselors by offering scalable, individualized guidance available 24/7.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Hands-on experiences are a key component of the platform's offerings, allowing students to gain practical skills and explore potential career paths. Users can access a diverse range of opportunities, including summer internships at tech startups, research positions at universities, and volunteer programs. The AI-powered system matches students with experiences aligned to their interests and goals, while also providing guidance on application processes, resume writing, and interview preparation. This focus on experiential learning aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application, better preparing students for college and future careers.

Networking and Community Building

The platform's social features foster connections between students, peers, alumni, mentors, and industry professionals. A standout mentorship program pairs users with experienced professionals in their fields of interest, facilitating virtual meetings and messaging for personalized guidance. This networking aspect helps students gain valuable insights into college experiences, career paths, and job markets, while building a support system to stay motivated throughout their educational journey. The community-driven approach also encourages knowledge sharing, with users able to learn from those who have recently navigated the college planning process and share their own experiences to help others.

Freemium Model Benefits

The freemium model offers several key advantages for dabbL's college guidance platform. By providing a free basic version, the company can rapidly attract a large user base of high school students without the barrier of upfront payment, enabling quick growth and brand awareness. This approach also creates upselling opportunities, as engaged free users can be encouraged to upgrade to premium features like advanced college insights or one-on-one counseling. Additionally, the model fosters network effects and virality, as the platform becomes more valuable with a larger community for peer connections and mentorship. Importantly, the freemium approach aligns with dabbL's mission of democratizing access to college guidance, making AI-powered tools available to students regardless of socioeconomic background.